The Road I Took“I have news, mom,” I told my mother over the phone. “I’m not sure you’ll like it.”

“Are you pregnant?” she asked somewhat facetiously.

“Yes, I am.” I replied.

Silence on the line.

“So, what are you going to do?” my mother asked, a note of concern creeping into her voice. “You don’t have to have it, you know. You don’t have to ruin your life.”

“I know, mom.” I replied. “I’m ready to have my family.”

“It’s a hard life raising a kid by yourself. I know.” she continued. “I don’t want you to go through what I did. I want you to be happy!”

“I know, mom.” I said. “I am happy!”

Another silence.

“I always thought you would get married and then have children.”

“I did, mom.”

“Well, there wasn’t supposed to be a divorce in between.” She shot back.

“So I got the order mixed up, mom.” I laughed. “You know I always go my way.”

“Yes,” she sighed. “You were always hard that way.”

“Don’t worry, mom,” I tried to soothe her. “It’ll be all right.”

“I hope so…” she said without conviction.

It was.

It is.

No regrets on the road taken.

30 thoughts on “The Road I Took

  1. I had a conversation kind of like that just before marrying my now ex-husband. They don’t want us to make mistakes or have regrets…they want to save us those sufferings but they can’t. All they can do is love us while we forge our own paths and learn what life wants to teach just us. Thank you for sharing this bit of you Margarita! I’m glad you took the path you did because would we have ever met if you hadn’t?! Much love to you!

  2. I love the conversation. As I’m sure you know, a mother’s job is to worry even if their child has it all figured out. Instead of looking at your mother negatively throughout the conversation, I saw it as a great love story. Thanks for sharing. (And I’m glad it all worked out )

    1. Thank you, Diane. My mother would agree with you about a mother’s job is to worry. Even now, all these decades later, she still engages in that activity vigorously, lol! We still agree to disagree. 😉 xoxoM

  3. “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson. I’m glad you have no regrets about the road not taken. That’s so important and the journey makes us who we are. I think if one is at peace, one has everything. Happy weekend, M. :).

    1. There is much talk about the road not taken, Brigitte. I think it’s important to have no regrets about the road taken. How heartbreaking to live a life of regret! Enjoy your weekend, sweetheart! 😉 xoM

    1. Thank you, Madame Zenista. Yes, while my mother and I have often disagreed about HOW to be a mother, we do agree on unconditional love for our children! 😉 xoM

  4. Amazing how parallel our lives can be. Wow. Love this post. Sending you a utterly big smile and a tight hug, amiguita bella! You are one strong, powerful and loving soul. It’s an honor to be in your tribe!!!!!

  5. Hi Margarita. Worry. Heh. Doesn’t sound like that was passed down to you. Unfortunately, I got the “worry gene.” Although, over time, it’s faded some. I like being around people who don’t worry … it’s catching. 🙂

    Sometimes the road forks to 2 different places, neither of which was the one that was originally mapped out to be taken. So, we have to choose which one and then enjoy the drive we’re on. Which is what happened to me. I wrote about it in 2013 here.

    Thank you for sharing your story.

    1. There are always forks in the road and choices to make, Lori. I’m sorry you had such painful choices to make.

      My experience and preference is to be an active participant in making decisions (remember, no decision is still a decision). Once made I don’t look back and I don’t entertain “might have beens.” I focus on today with an eye out for tomorrow.

      I’m glad you were able to come to terms with your circumstances and exercised your right to choose when you could. 😉 xoxoM

  6. Very cool how you revealed the story through dialogue. When I told my mom I was pregnant last year she reacted similarly. “You should be married,” she told me. I giggled because I knew her and my father weren’t married when they had my sister. Parent always want better for their children. I’m glad everything worked out for you!

    1. Yes, parents always want better for their children. As a parent what I realized is that inasmuch as I want better for my child, it’s up to her to decide what better is for her. I can only decide for myself. Hope you’re creating a happy story! 😉 xoxoM

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